Contacts: Kristenne M. Robison, Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice Studies, Department Chair
319 S. Market St.
New Wilmington, PA 16172
[email protected]
Program Description:We offer credit bearing courses (1-2 per year) to incarcerated women.
Degrees Offered:n/a
Unique Features:
Headquarters:Cambridge Springs, PA
Correctional Facilities Served:SCI-Cambridge Springs
Population Served:Women in a minimum-level facility
Number of Students:125 have completed at least one course (87-1 course, 18-2 courses, 11-3 courses, 4-4courses, 3-5 courses, 2-7 courses)
Graduates to Date:n/a
Year Founded:2011
Founders:Kristenne Robison and Katelyn Moga Gesing
College/University/Organization Partnerships:Westminster College
Funding: Each student pays $50 per class and we fundraise $50 per class per student as Westminster charges them $100 per class
Evaluation: We follow, for those who reenter, who comes back – so far zero have come back to state prison and we get student feedback